I urinate a lot. Around 50 times a day. It has gotten to the point where I don't like to go to the movies because I know I will have to get up and urinate during the middle of it. My frequent urination has also taken a huge toll on my sex life. I don't even enjoy sex because I always have to go during the middle of it. If I am enjoying the company of a woman, I always have to tell her "be right back, I have to pee" every 10 minutes. When I am sexually aroused, I have to urinate even more than I already do.
When I drink alcohol, it literally goes right through me. I realize alcohol makes most people urinate more, but with me it is triple the normal amount. If I am out drinking, I get the urge to urinate every 10-15 minutes. Most of the time, my urine is clear like water since it doesn't stay in my bladder too long.
I am wondering what my problem is. Other than this, I am healthy. I am 6'1, 185 lbs, normal blood pressure and cholesterol. I am not in any pain down there. This has been going on for years and I have just been living with the problem. If I had a normal sex life, I would have probably gotten to it sooner but I just abstain from sex for the most part.
Any ideas what this could be?