Hi I had a roll over accident about a year ago, which was a double roll followed by the car spinning on its top for about a hundred yards. I hit the B-post, the roof of the car - and had TMJ, abdominal pain, effasica, initial confusion and memory loss. About 10 days later, I suffered a GI bleed and asked to review this with a GI doctor, had testing scheduled by them for 2 months after the initial bleeding episode. Seemed a long distance apart - the original doctor looked into face only and read from my chart and announced that my problem resulted from the past issues that I had since age 45. He did not care to listen to my concern - and to be honest I had hemorrhoid banding done a couple times and lacked significant symptomology following the last banding about 7 years ago. My family doctor allowed the referral to the GI doctor, but had told me to take Miralax which he felt would be helpful. I took opiate based pain killers for 2 1/2 days prescribed by ER physician. I took less than prescribed, but that was a week before the bleeding. It was not so much of a issue of the norcos given but more of the bloating and pain from being seatbelted in the car and the bloating and pain when I was hung upside down in the car after the impact and flip from being t-boned. No airbags when off - and thankfully the moonroof was closed when I hit the roof with my head leaving a contusion of which I could not cup my hand over it to touch the top of my head. Dx at ER -- possible concussion - and I was nauseated and nearly threw up - begging those transporting me to stop I m going to get sick. As I was not totally examined, I also had bruising on my back over the size of a saucer. I talked to the GI people about 3 months later saying that I didn t need Miralax, but I wanted to know when my bowel movements would stop looking like cigars - short and very small. So my question is this - about 6 weeks ago, I suffered a prolapse uterus and bladder - - 10 years ago the surgery was done to amend incontinence and this was a great improvement. So, I was given a pessary to holding things up on the inside and guess what happened changed - my bowel movement returned to normal. So now that no doctor held me close - I want to know if this would substantiate what that GI-bleeding was about - and the abdominal pain and bloating that was post accident the year before. What is the best type of doctor to see to work though the issues?? Internal medicine, a urology specialist, to a gynecologist? I want to pick out someone that can read the notes and present this stuff properly. ef which seemed to have no connection with the delayed bleeding for a couple days.