Good evening I recently rolled my foot twice on same evening, evidence on side of my new rather scuffed boots. Morning after thought I had gout, although never had it, oh the pain, the left side bone was intact and could move pain free, the cuboid was very painful to touch, and gave most pain for a week. I should add also i have very flexible ankles they invert very easily along with my ability to (sprag) open my toes. Since my incident, I tried to sprag my toes when all but my little toe responds its almost looks paralysed, I m willing it to move and nothing. On top of that now I have another pain coming from what looks like a node bottom of foot top centre. I know an xray would probably help with diagnosis, however I have had more bad luck health wise broke fingers twice chipped elbow, lesion on hip joint, (contrast dye used) shoulder impingement bankart lesion,(contrast dye) all in 14 months, 7 xrays and 2 contrast dye, my immune is shot my glands get agrivated from xrays lately, so without an xray could you offer any advise Thank you kindly Debs