I am Dr Mittal.
I have read your message.
I think I can help you.
I think I should tell you that I feel the basic problem in your case is the lack of ATTENTION. And this I say not in the usual sense, but as a medical term- there is a subtle difference. As a medical term, Attention is the process where one can perform an activity without any significant problem in exclusion to all the possible diversions.
Basically, if you are not paying attention, you cannot form a memory simply because you were not paying enough attention to the subject. And so your grades fall. Similarly, when you are driving, you know you need to look for signs and signals, but you are not paying attention to it unless it is too late. You have yourself said that you get distracted easily when talking. And that again means that you are not paying enough attention to the matter. If it was a memory problem, you would not have remembered the incident at all. So, in other words, you remember (and that's memory) to get good grades or to look at signs or signals but you are not paying attention to it.
Now, you were a good student initially. That means you were born with a normal brain. So that brings us to 2 possibilities. 1, there is some metabolic/genetic defect in your system, and therefore, the brain isslowly getting clouded. However, in such cases we can usually get a similar family history. Now in my experience, when one is so distressed by his/her symptom, one always tells us that the problem is there in a family member. So, I am assuming from your query that there is no similar family history. Having said that, very frequently these symptoms come up sporadically in individuals, the family remains largely normal because their symptoms are either sub clinical, or because most people simply feel ashamed to talk about it.
So, I suggest testing a
MRI brain, and meeting a
neurologist so that one can perform a lobar function test for you. In the 2, if there is a problem in even one, we can think of the above possibility and a further workup will be needed accordingly.
However, the above possibility does not fully explain why you feel lethargic, or drained all the time. Yes, some metabolic conditions can cause the issue, but it is very rare to come without medical weakness and loss of muscle mass- which again you have not mentioned, and thus I assume its not there.
In such a case, the possibility is that one may be depressed or too anxious. So one will need treatment for the same.
A last possibility I would like to consider is Attention Deficit Syndrome. Now this explains almost all your symptoms, except that people usually ahve the symptoms since childhood, and not later in life. So that is another thing you will need to discuss with your neurologist there.
As you can understand from the above discussion, the treatment will vary as per the diagnosis. So please get back to me with the MRI report and after meeting the neurologist and I will try my best to help you further.
Please feel free to contact me for any further information or details on any aspect of your query.
Best of luck, Dr Mittal