Hi I was born with spina bifida occulta and did not know till about 19 when my back broke. I now have idiopathic hypertension which we feel has been there a long time, I have problems learning but was never diagnosed in any way. I was kept in a child and beaten for things I had done wrong and things I had not, this also went for talking back to my parents or forms of bad attitude. This left me stunted in some ways, I was also involved in sexual activity as a young child in so many different ways it insane but I had forgot.
I met my partner at 17 who was 33 I think, we have gone on together and live with each other till now. When we first met I was messing around and never told her, we have had massive violent arguments over this so she went digging in my past. She then hit me with thing I had long forgot in many different ways. I could feel the pressure in my neck back and the head, it ended up locking my eyes yesterday.
She did this by treating me like nothing, I was scared there was tramadol in my tea (problems started with that painkiller). then telling me it my choice to go without, she used to not give any form of care after an argument. I complained so she reversed tactic to take me down as such. She then proceeded opening some very deep wounds from my childhood, I have been paranoid for sometime of neighbours and don't like being crammed in with other people. This caused a major rift to which hell opened, the wounds she opened up are deep I have not socialised with many people for 6 years+ she also left me with a laughing complex which she does behind her hair it was also done in my face to. She got all out of me but I'm left muddled up cognitive skills went all together some slowly return.
I did some reading for how messed up I am when we meet cause these effects she has left me with and came across Othello paranoid partner kills spouse etc. I have moved out and I am back with my parents but this is where some of my problems start. The loop won't stop and at times it is making me worse, I spit green thick mucus from my sinuses around my eyes, I could hear whooshing around my ears. some of this has calmed down but not all.
should I get my ass to the hospital or wait it out my neurologist is back on the 19th this month