34 year old female, light smoker, non-drinker
Symptoms experiencing:
• Gastrointestinal upset: changes in bowel habits from constipated, bloated, pain, discomfort to loose stools (not diarrhea), noticed light colored stool, green tinged. Urine has a green tinge too.
• Upper abdominal pain: both, left and right. Pain seems to be more center than either right or left. Pain is more pressure like consistently, aching upon movement or touching. I occasionally have had attacks of jabbing pain in my chest, that subside within minutes with non-movement.
• Left chest pain: Under left breast, more stabbing than dull. This is off and on, not really a new occurrence.
• Upper GI: Extreme, daily heartburn, antacids taken daily 5-6 at a time to relieve, only minor relief. Eating seems to relieve, but irritates the lower GI.
• Recent sinus drainage, no sinus congestion, but stabbing pains in right ear down neck.
• History: Abdominal adhesions.