Bright green poop (poo) is usually caused by lack of food. Often when infants and toddlers are unwell they don't eat much. This is especially true when your toddler or infant has
No. If your toddler or child hasn't been eating much, encourage him to start eating again. This will use up the bile and the
diarrhea should settle and the green poop will cease.
How can I prevent bright green loose poop (diarrhea)?:
When your toddler or infant has gastroenteritis, do not stop normal food.
If he is
vomiting, you may need to give clear fluids, (such as Gastrolyte, Dioralyte,
Pedialyte or Rehydralyte) for a few hours, but resume feeding as soon as possible.
In the past, doctors often advised clear fluids only for 24 hours. We now advise early feeding within a few hours of the gastroenteritis starting.
note: if anything serious symptoms seen immediately seen paediatrician.