After taking Lyric A for three weeks, I experienced temporary grayed out vision of the left eye. immediately stopped Lyrica. In the six years since, I have been through extremely blurred vision after reading, feelings of weakness and weepiness, and marked loss of acuity in both eyes. Even after cataract surgery, my vision remains 20/100 left eye and 20/60 right eye with glasses. Over the same time period, I have developed trigeminal neuralgia, lymphedema and 2x staph infection from 5 knee surgeries, parathyroid surgery, constant sensation of cold and intense tingling in fingers, toes, and middle of face, bladder and bowel incontinence, and numerous other symptoms that are being attributed to fibromyalgia (diagnosed by rheumatologist 10+ years ago). My neurologist does not suspect MS, optic neuritis, or damage from Lyrica. Can you give me your opinion and suggest a next step? -K