Thanks for your query.
Noted the history related to your grandson. It says that the staff in ER cut the infected boil on the scrotum, released the infection, is in the hospital with IV and now has to get an
ultrasonography as the testicles are rock-hard and he has not urinated.
The probable reasons are:
- Severe
Urinary tract infection which has spread all over the system, that is the kidneys, ureters,
urinary bladder to prostate and thence to the
epididymis, testis and to the skin of the scrotum casing the so-called boil.
I would advise him the following:
First of all to send the blood and urine for gram staining, culture and sensitivity of the blood, urine and the pus from the scrotum.
Ultrasound as you have mentioned of the whole abdomen, pelvis and scrotum too. This will help to get a probable cause and make decision for the proper line of treatment.
Broad spectrum antibiotic, anti-inflammatory medicines. Supportive measures like a lungot you also bought everything.
Rest of the antibiotic as per the reports that will be followed .
Give scrotal support.
If required an MRI may also be done.