I was in a very severe car accident a little over a month ago. I walked away with just bumps and bruises all over my body, due to the fact that I was in a good car, wearing my seat belt, and got to a trauma center very quickly. i had a CT Scan done immediately after arriving at the trauma center. The accident was a rollover. The CT Scan showed no internal bleeding, no nothing, all was fine. I was bruised on my head, including my left eyebrow bone. My left eyebrow bone is still giving me quite a bit of pain. I realize that a bruise to the bone will take quite a bit of time to heal, but I have been having headaches with it as well recently. I am experiencing quite a bit of anxiety with getting back to driving, etc. even though the accident was not my fault. I am working with a professional on this. I have been to my GP, Eye Doctor, and a few other Doctors since the accident. There is nothing wrong with the eye itself. But, I still don t like that I am getting these headaches with the eye pain. Would a CT Scan pick up a fracture? Could a fracture develop this long after a trauma?