I m a 56 yr, old male. Began having a headaches about a yr and 1/2 ago on right side some time shoots down Back o neck or front to eye. A spot on my scalp about the size of a quarter in my head on top right side always hurts, had mamagram1 yr ago, showed nothing. Been to neurologist but just saw N.P. both times, tried meds and vitas recommened. Alergist said alergic to dust and grass, but not causing head ache. Thought it could be stress, I ruled that out myself. It s really getting on my nerves. Had polio as child, spinal tap worked, rt. Leg shorter, and muscle is deteriating. Was diagnosed with PPSmany yrs ago. Full time supv job in school system and full time work horse trainer and farmer. Can you advise what to do whobto see. Will not take narcotics or antidepressants. Trainer and farmer. Hate meds but take recommended and doesn t work.