A freezer door swung open and hit me in the head last week. I didn t lose consciousness or have any symptoms of concussion that day/night (nausea, vomiting, etc.), but it was very painful. The next day I noticed an indented ridge on my forehead where the edge of the freezer door hit. I also developed not exactly a headache, but more like a dull ache, like a thick feeling on that size of my head. I actually had my doctor check me out for work comp, but all he did was look in my eyes and ask me questions. He said since I didn t have any particularly extreme symptoms to report, he didn t think a scan of any kind is necessary. So, he signed off on it. But I still have this very dull headache (I never get headaches usually) and although that indentationon my forehead is no longer visible, I can still feel the indentation with my finger when I press below the skin. Is my skull cracked underneath? Is there any danger? Should I do anything?