Migraine headache can also change the vision including all this like spots of purple pink and blue colour. Many people who gets migraine also have problems with their vision as well
dizziness or vertigo along with the headache. May be due to weakness leads to feeling of loosing his knee, legs and feet. Sometimes it can upset your stomach.
Treatment can include:
- Avoid trigger foods like chocolates, peanuts, junk foods
- Lower his stress level
- Go for regular exercise
- Go for eye checkup at least
- For headache he can take tab
paracetamol, tab
Pantoprazole for stomach, after prescription
- Multi vitamins can help in weakness after prescription
- Healthy diet with high proteins
- Help him to do walk then exercise slowly at least
Take care. Hope I have answered your question. Let me know if I can assist you further.
Dr. Ishu Bishnoi,
Neurologist, Surgical