I understand your concern.
* You have
gestational diabetes with head ache &
palpitation.- That points to
high blood pressure. Please get it checked & exclude /diagnoase it first- for it can cause problem in
pregnancy. If it is noted, you need regular medicines prescribed by your doctor along with healthy ( Diabetic) diet in multiple small servings, restricted salt./ regular pregnancy checkups./exercises/
meditation & calmposed positive mind.
* Gestational diabetes can cause
low blood sugar - so have more frequent/small servings of food you are advised to take accompany blood / diabetes can accompany high blood pressure.
* Palpitation may be from anxiety/ accompanying blood pressure.
* Even refractory error may lead to head ache. Get your eyes checked to exclude it.
* Your head ache need not be due to blood pressure- it can be Migrain- which needs,
- your own observation for triggering factors & avoid them,
-Have regular sleeping pattern./ avoid stress/tension-
- Exercises,massage,
relaxation techniques,positive psychology help.
-Use biofeedback technique.
Prevention by above methods will need minimum medication
- migrain medicines( aspirine, NSAIDs, Triptans,ergots )can be taken in minimum possible dose as & when required can be taken with your doctors advise