I ve been taking a daily dose of 40 mg Pantoprazole (Protonix substitute) for acid reflux for several years. About 5 weeks ago I started having some heartburn with some burping. I went to my doctor about a week ago and he told me to either take my medication twice a day for a month or try the over-the-counter 24 hour Nexium twice a day. I took two Pantoprazole Friday through Sunday, but the heartburn seemed to be getting worse, so Monday evening I switched to taking Nexium twice a day. It has not seemed too help much. In fact I had heartburn with some burping all evening yesterday and all day today. It lets off some, but never seems to go away completely. I ve also taken Tums a couple of times today. Since I have been taking my medication twice a day I think it has gotten worse instead of improving. I am not eating or drinking any of the common trigger foods such as caffiene, sodas, chocolate,or super spicy foods. Any ideas?