Welcome to Healthcare Magic.
I have read your question fully and understand your concerns.
You had
unprotected intercourse and you took the emergency
contraceptive straight after, you had a
vomiting a day after you took the emergency
contraception. So, it is very unlikely that you would be pregnant. If you vomited within 1-2 hours after taking the emergency contraception, then we can doubt that the medicine had come out in the vomit, but vomiting after the day is not significant. The medicine would have already acted on your body.
The bleeding that you are having could be either your normal period (were you due at that time?) or it could be your period which has come early. Emergency contraception can sometimes cause the period to come early or late. Looks like you are stressed, and stress can also cause change in periods. As this is the first episode of such a bleed, I don’t think you need any treatment for this unless the bleeding prolongs for more than a week. Your next period should come normally. This present episode of bleeding would not affect your future periods or your health.
I do not think you could be pregnant. So kindly relax.
I hope this answer has helped you.
Thank you
Dr Sunita Sayammagaru