Hello and thank you for using HCM.I carefully read your question and I understand your concern. You should not worry about.
I will try to explain you something and give you my opinion.
You should know that when we treat
hypertension our goal is to keep mean blood pressure values below 140 / 90 mmHg.A person might have high value during emotional and physical strees so its mandatory to judge on mean values.
During summer and high temperature our body experiences vascular dilatation of arteryes, meaning that the arterial lumen become bigger and as it normaly happenes in a tubular structure the pressure decreases.
In winter, because of low temperatures our body experiences periferic vascular constriction, meaning a smaller diameter of arterial lumen leading to higher pressure.
This is normal and happens to all people. Sometimes we recommend patients to lower medical dosage during summer.
If you have higher values during winter than you can try to rise your medical dosage through this period.You can also discuss whith your doctor adding another medical class if you are on maximal dosagetof your current treatment.
Hope I was helpfull.
Best regards, Dr.Ervina.