I am a 29 y.o, white, male. Good physical condition with no medical history. I took a pre-workout supplement containing caffeine and other natural stimulants 5 days ago. During my workout I got very ill and had to come home. I had a couple episodes of vomiting and muscle cramps that night. Thought I was just dehydrated. The next day I stayed home and rehydrated myself but still keep a hungover feeling. Felt decent the next day and wanted to go workout. Decided to try the supplement again but only a half dose. Went to my work which is a fire station and obtained a bp of 130/84 on a machine. After taking the supplement I felt ill and had a pressure in my head and the back of my neck. Had a medic listen to my bp which was 196/100. After going home to rest I returned to work and had them listen to another bp which was 210/114. The medic started an IV and gave me a bag of fluid. This decreased my pressure to 180/90. Went to the local ER and had a full cardiac work up done. EKG showed normal, labs were normal, and head ct showed nothing. BP on their machine showed 155/90 upon arrival and 125/75 upon discharge. That was 3 days ago and since then I have made an appointment with my primary doc. I have stopped all supplements and exercise. Check my BP several times a day and it is normal when taken on a machine but it shows still high when listened to by cuff and stethoscope. 120/80 on a machine is showing as 160/90 by auscultation. I am also having episodes where I get sick to my stomach, start shaking, and get pressure in my temples and eyes. I check my bp every time I feel this coming on and it is elevated on my machine. I am at a loss as why a caffeine product would be affecting me 5 days later or if it maybe uncovered or cause a new underlying condition. I have never had a problem with BP and/or any type of anxiety but it has also crossed my mind that the episodes of shaking and nausea could be a nervous response. Any help would be greatly appreciated.