Hi I am a type 1 diabetic and long distance runner. Generally my control during runs is good and I always have my glucometer with me on runs exceeding 30kms as well as enough glucose and snacks. As you can guess, low blood sugar occurs more often than high blood sugars during a run, which is fairly easy to correct as I simply take some glucose and carbs. However, while running the Two Oceans ultra marathon last Saturday I had EXTREMELY high blood sugars for the entire race - normal before the race and I took 1 unit of Apidra with my slice of toast as I normally do. I was not able to eat anything until I had tun 40kms, since my sugar levels dropped to about 9mmol/litre at that point only. While I have no idea what caused it and probably never will, I would like to know what are the risks associated with exercising while my blood sugar is so high (I am talking about 17-22mmol/l)? Since then I have been struggling terribly to get my sugar levels unedr control - could that still be related to whatever hapenned last Saturday? Do I need to be checked out for any damage that may be been done? Thanks Heidi