Hello i m female 44 yrs old, 139 pounds, 5 4 , hypothyroidism(under control 1.7), fibroids (heavy menstrual cycle) but in general healthy. My last period was sept.3 until sept 6(usually is more days).It was heavy on 4th and 5th. I had blood work yesterday the results came back : WBC 5.5(normal range 4-10),RBC 4.15(normal range 3.80-4.80), differential (all normal), hemoglobin 113, hematocrit 0.36(normal range 0.35-0.43),MCV 87(normal range 82-98), MCHC 315(norm rang 305-365),RDW 13.3(norm. range 11.5-14.5), hemoglobin 113 (normal range 120-150),MCH 27.2 (normal range 27.5-33.5) ferritin 25(normal 15-180) and platelets 439 (normal range in my lab 150-400). It is the first time that my platelets are higher. All the annually previous blood work were really good.......Also I have few days that I feel mild discomfort-pressure on my forehead and next to my nose too. i feel my eyes tired and I have sometime the unsteady feeling.what is your opinion? the higher platelets worries me a little a bit..