I am a 32 year old male, 6 foot tall and weighs around 185. I started getting urticarial about 8 to 9 weeks ago. At first, it was 1 x week and now it is everyday. It appears on my flanks, lower abd, lower back and thighs. Allergies: PCN Medications: Benadryl Health History: 2000: Complete upper tooth extraction 2012: Endocarditis 2013: Foot fungus 2014: Colitis 2014: Urticaria Question is.....what is up with the daily hives? I can t tell if it is contact or if it may be a symptom for Crohns or if I have another infection or possibly something malignant. I do have a lipoma on my lower lumbar but lipoma s are benign. I don t know what to do. I do not have insurance and Medicaid has denied me 4 times. I tried to get it when I got endocarditis for follow ups with cardiologist and neurologist. Also, I was born with a congenital heart defect. Please help, Daniel