What is it that causes homophobia? Why is it people are so against homosexuality? Some parts of the world are a lot worse than others, I understand that, but what is it that ticks in the backs of homophobe's minds when they speak?.. If you're a homophobe, or just against homosexuality in general, please do answer. I'm sure a lot of fire is about to be flung my way, I don't care, I'm just seriously curious. Also, here is a list of questions, just to jog the mind in case you can't really think of a reason. 1. Are you afraid that a guy will come onto you if they're gay? 2. Are you afraid that you yourself might be attracted to men, which makes you lash out? If neither of those answers are yes, please, have a good answer for it, or seriously rethink how you feel. We aren't bad people, we're very sensitive, and we make good listeners, along with intuition on fashion.