My friend is about 2 years older then me, I m 47, he is always eating, constantly tells me how hungry he is, he eats 4 times as much as I do yet he says he is starving. He is skinny but I need to fid out what can be done to fill his always empty stomach. I know about differences in metabolic rates but this is really crazy, he is constantly eating, he does nothing but lay around, no exercise. Where is all this food he is shoving down his throat going, I eat maybe 1 meal a day but he is constantly eating and always hungry. We share an apartment and he is eating everything. Is there any supplement he can take that will stop this bottomless pit he has for a stomach? Where does all the food he eats go and all I hear day after day is how hungry he is. He is eating me out of the house. What is wrong with him, it can t be normal. Pleas give me some advice.