My 5 yr old son has been having infrequent, though increasing, intermittent rectal pains for over a year now. Tonight was another episode. Looking at his rectum, it appears mildly beefy red/inflamed and has a single satellite mildly red bump measuring approx 3mm about 1 cm to the right of his rectum. It is very sore to him as this has awakened him from sleep. Putting even routine hydrocortisone on it hurts (per his words). He doesn t have any fever/chills, abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea. Maybe some mild constipation though. I ve been trying to figure this out on my own. I ve come up with either UC/Up (proctitis) or anal fissure (though cannot actually see it). He has h/o mild intermittent asthma taking flovent seasonally which controls it well. Your thoughts???? Thank you.