I have been having tests for the following signs and symptoms; intermittent sporadic pain, tingling, numbness, with feelings of vibrations, feeling of electrical shocks, exceptionally dry skin and swelling. The swelling is mainly in the ankles and feet, other symptoms vary on the body. I had an MRI that showed some signs of scarring or stroke activity, moderate stenosis in C5C6. An excersise stress echo showed ST Depression. I have experienced pain behind myleft eye for about 3 months and no retinal damage is apparent. Visual disturbance is the the diagnosis because there is a persistent aura mainly visible to me on the left side. I also have days when my eyes will not focus. My glasses presctiprion is up to date but everything looks blurry. I have appointments for cardiologist andneuologist but they can t get me in for a couple months. Do you have any ideas about these ailments?