Hi, thanks for posting your concern in the HCM.
Most commonly the
Mirena string becomes invisible when it has hot displaced from its site of lodgement.
Your doctor has correctly advised you to have a scan to find the exact location of the Mirena coil. And it should be considered as an emergency. So, scan should be done as early as possible.
If it has got displaced or by any chance removed, there is chance that you may pregnant. In that case chance of ectopic
pregnancy is higher. An
ultrasound scan can rule out that possibility. In case you become pregnant and the fetus remains in the usual normal position, consumption of alcohol and no
folic acid intake definitely poses risk of development of
neural tube defect (NTD). Hence, if there is normal uterine pregnancy, and you want to continue with that, immediate commencement of Folic acid would be needed and Anomaly scan should be done as per schedule.
But, above all, the first thing you need is to locate the missed coil and hence please have the scan done at the earliest.
In case you have any new query in future, you can directly ask me questions @ http://www.HealthcareMagic.com/doctors/dr-kaushik-sarkar/68460.
Dr. Kaushik