Dear Hematolog DR, my girlfriend said me that she made a blood test and she found that she have a high PLT count! In August 2009 she got a test result 520,000, (The range is 150,000 - 450,000 platelets in one microliter of blood) , and in April 2010 she got 800,000! on the 13th of May she got a check up in the hospital the physician think of iron deficiency as the reason behind high platelets in the blood, furthermore the DR she gave her a receipt of iron tablets + B12 and vitamin C for a duration of 1 months till the next check-up in the hospital on 17 June, till that date she has to make some additional blood tests necessary to identify the reason of iron deficiency , the Dr she thinks that the problem is with iron deficiency but to make sure she asked my girlfriend to do some blood tests, before she made ultra sound it was ok, Jak 2 it was ok, my questions is that what is the reasons for iron deficiency? is iron deficiency might be Transient issue due to bad Nutrition? in case we got married are we going to have healthy and normal kids? what is the risks of getting married? Kind Regards Tim buckle