Hi! I have some irritation on the inner vaginal lips, it first occurred after intercourse and felt like I was sore the next day. Next day or so I ve been picking around and looking in the mirror and by touching the inside lips with my fingers irritated it even more. After that I soaked in a bath tub in the hopes of making it go away. (the reason for the bath is that recently I thought I had a uti, and I went to gyno and they said no uti, no yeast , just dryness) I have a new partner and it seems every time after intercourse I have some sort of issue. After inspecting my vagina again I can see little bumps pink color. My worry is that I don t know what it is and I m hoping its not herpes. Partner swore he is clean, I check myself at gyno regularly, however I don t recall being tested for herpes. can you please tell if I was to get some kind of warts/herpes would the first outbreak be bad? or it can be just one pimple?