Hi dear! I appreciate your concern when you cannot enjoy your marital life.
menopause, due to the retirement of ovaries, the production of Oestrogen has gone down to a very low level. One of the effect of oestrogen is to maintain the thickness of vaginal lining and to keep it wet due to secretions. Therefore you experience irritation and dryness in vagina after menopause.
Estrace cream is an Oestrogen cream. Its application will give you some relief from itchiness and dryness also, by building up the vaginal lining. This cream will work as a lubricant also if used during the intercourse. Even it will give you some relief from other menopausal symptoms if you use it regularly daily. However, please remember, person's with heart problem or blood pressure problem carry risk by using this preparation. Since the doctor has prescribed you this cream, you must have been checked for these contraindications.
This cream has a short action, though some of it gets absorbed from the vaginal lining acting at other places also for some more period.
For effective lubrication during intercourse and good lubrication you can use some vaginal lubricants (also). Oil based lubricants should not be used as they are harmful to the woman's genital organs. Please use water base lubricants. Vaginal jellies that are available in market are good lubricants for this purpose.
During menopause,
fungal infection of vagina also is known which causes itching. Please get vaginally examined from a Gynaecologist. If there is fungal infection, you will have to use antifungal creams in addition (both of you simultaneously).
Hope your queries have been solved.