Thanks for your reference.
Noted your history of itching at the anus, irresistable and irritating, light yellowish wetness and oozing. Wants to know what it is and whether
hydrogen peroxide can be used or not.
The commonest cause of such a problem are:
Peri-anal excoriation either due to local skin condition that has gone bad due to sweating, improper cleaning due to ruggal folds and so on.
Intestinal infection can add on to the problems.
Pin worms causes itching at night and the resultant dermatitis continues on due to purposeful itching.
I would suggest you the following:
First of all, get the area checked by a
General Surgeon so that the exact diagnosis can be made.
A course of an antibiotic,
metronidazole and probiotics will help in treating the secondary infection and speeding the healing.
You can use equal parts of hydrogen peroxide and liquid
povidone iodine to clean the area 2 to 4 times a day.
Continue probiotics and multivitamins and you will be fine.
You may need further investigations to rule out diabetes and colitis by blood tests, stool tests and