Hello. Thanks for writing to us at healthcaremagic
After going through the description of your problem, I will keep a possibility of candidal
Clinically balanoposthitis usually presents with itching, difficulty retracting the prepuce, there may be cracks along the circumference of the prepucial opening as well.
I usually treat my patients of candidal balanoposthitis with a single dose of an
oral antifungal e.g
Topical application of an antifungal e.g
clotrimazole 1% cream is also useful in cases of balanoposthitis
An OTC oral antihistamine e,g
cetrizine 10 mg once daily will provide you symptomatic relief from itching.
Underlying diabetes should be ruled out by testing in long standing candidal balanoposthitis.
I would suggest that you visit a specialist for a confirmatory diagnosis, testing and appropriate treatment