I am a 30 year old woman and had a tetanus shot administered last Thursday (five days ago). On Sunday evening I noticed a slight itching and then tenderness near my left collarbone. I felt around and have found a small (the size of a marble, but not quite as round) lump on the top side of my collarbone. The lump is hard, but I can move it back and forth. It is tender to touch. I have also been battling a cold (now more of a cough, stuffy nose, sinus stuffiness/ache) for about 16 days. I did take Azythromycin which initially helped my sinus issues, but didn t take away the cough. My throat is sore and my glands seem swollen currently. I have not had a fever or chills. I have had night sweats on and off for the last 7 years and have not experienced an increase with this cold. I have an appointment with a general practitioner on Friday, but am full of anxiety about a possible serious condition.