A red-ish pimple showed up on my inner labia about four days ago, the first night it didn t hurt or itch or anything. The next day it became sore and it got bigger. The next day about 3 more itchy and painful bumps showed up. They have spread to the back, but they are not in clusters, they are spread out. probably a total of 8 or so. Everything I have read online said this is a mild case of herpes. I am absolutely terrified. I have a gyno appointment tomorrow but I just wanted some kind of feedback to see if there is any chance of it being something else. I am almost 90% sure myself that is what it is, however every at home remedy I have tried to use on them has not worked. They don t look like lesions or blisters. I can t really explain how they look, I will post a picture if needed. I just need some kind of feed back because I am terrified and upset and humiliated.