Thanks for the query..
As per your query there may be a few reasons for the soreness and pain.
One can be that as the upper front region of your jaw has no teeth, there may be formation of bony spicules under the gums or there may be left out root pieces which must be erupting and when you wear denture to chew or you chew directly it may cause trauma to the overlying mucosa leading to pain while chewing..
Other reason can be that if you must be eating hard food stuffs they also cause trauma to the gums leading to pain and
injury to the gums.
If you wear a denture and there are some sharp edges on the under surface can also lead to pain while chewing and called as Denture Soreness..
These can be a few common reason..
You should take a
soft diet and if you wear denture avoid wearing a denture and see your
dentist to get any sharp elevations on your denture to be corrected.
Use anaesthetic oral gels to before half an hour of taking food to prevent pain during food intake..
Use of gum paint may also be relieving..
If still you don't find relief visit a dentist to get evaluated for any underlying bony spicule or left over root pieces by taking IOPAR (xray) of those regions or any other pathology and treat accordingly..
Hope your query is solved..
Thanks and regards..
Dr.Honey Nandwani Arora..