Hello, my son is a healthy 10yr old. He sometimes though exhibits signs of OCD and has a tendency to worry, neither of witch limit him physically, mentally or academically. For the last year or so, he has develped a Twitch or body jerking that he describes by , A feeling from w/in that he tries to control but the urge becomes so great that I twitch. The urge sometimes goes away, but sometimes does not. My wife and I have tried stretching exercises, message therapy and breathing techniques to calm his urges, all of witch failed. It used to be just when he felt stress or being overwhelmed , ie. sports, school. now it seems to be more frequent . He does not want us to bring him to the doctor due to being embarrassed . IS THEIR ANY OPINION OF WHAT THIS MAY BE ???!!!...... SOMETIMES HIS JERKING MAKES HIM LOOK AS THOUGH HES HAVING A SEIZURE OR BEING ELECTRICUTED!!! PLEASE HELP......