When I am sitting up in a chair or couch, laying on the couch or bed fully awake I have been having jerks of my shoulders, arms, legs, thighs, calf. If I am laying on my side with my knees bent, my biggest jerk is the whole waist jerks forward like a waist lunge. 3 years ago I was hospitalized for what what thought Gillian Barre, I got sick again so they changed it to CIDP... Chronic Inflammatory Demylanating Polynuritus... My last spell was a year in a half ago. I have perm neurophathy of the feet to the knees of tingling, burning, pins and needles. The muscle jerking and then my legs and arms and hands falling asleep easy or the fingers feeling so numb like medicine when you getting stitches has started about 3 weeks ago. Is this related? Am I diagnosed wrong? Is this another neuro or auto immune disorder. I see a doctor in Houston, Texas at the Hospital called The university of Texas.