Every form of ORAL iron preparation is causing trouble or reaction ,but you didn't mention the type of iron , use are taking .
So I am writing in detail about type of iron for your benefit.
All iron preparation are probably equally toxic per
unit mass of soluble iron ( so need not to worry ) .
They produce hyper acidity ( gastric irritation ) , rashes , joint pain , swelling ,
diarrhea or
constipation in 6 to 12% individuals .
These side effects minimised by giving iron with food and gradual increase in dosage .
The daily dose should not exceed six 200 mg tablets of exsiccated
ferrous sulfate (180 mg of elementary iron).
Still joint pain with oral preparation opt for intravenous infusion with strict medical supervision .
Liquid form in sulphide form also useful.
In our patient first of all we take few drops of blood , mix it with iron and note down whether reacting or not reacting .
So start IRON therapy under your doctor .
hope this will be useful for you.