I am a 52 year old male. I played many athletics in my younger years. I have had a partial knee replacement on my right knee 2015. In the last two years I have been having problems with my hips, shoulder and left ankle. X-rays show I have moderate arthritis in my hips. My left ankle in the last 3 months will randomly swell and act like it has a severe sprain. Exray showns I have calcium build up in my ankle and I was told this is due to prior injuries. I have sprained both ankles many times playing sports. I have two questions, 1. Are my hips , ankle, and shoulder truly different injuries or issues. My frustration with pain in all joints is making me think I should go to a rheumatologist. My primarycare doctor treats each indepently and feels I should go to a ortho doctor for ankle and hips. 2. Am I having normal joint pain for my age? Again, my pain interferes with my excercise program and energy level. I just feel like there is something I should do before it continues to get worse.