Hi! I injured my knee at a football game 2 days ago, mechanism of injury=I kept falling on my knees,high impact. No instant swelling that I noted (adrenalin) but did feel pain, I admit I kept playing so did weightbear after falls..first fall of significance in first half. Knee started to stiffen up and get more painful towards end of match, knee noticeably swelling and real discomfort on car home and painful to sleep, ache walking and stairs or kneeling painful...used price technique straight away..iced it straight away, tubrigrip compression and elevated..knee now feels better..widespread bruising tender on palpation of joint line/bruises, knee not as stiff but still an ache at end range flexion swelling has reduced. I think when the bruising goes the dull ache in my knee should go too, I feel I dont need physio or medical intervention as its only been 3 days since injury and to let healing process take its course? Am I foolish or should I check if ligaments/cartilage isnt Injured even though the symptoms/mechanism don t match? Thanks