My Age is 19 years.And currently I am an Engineering student.Currently I am facing many problems.I found myself very inattentive towards everything.I am having lack of concentration .And I don t know How to express it here but these things are ruining my life.I even don t remember the last time when I have completed any kind of work without any mistakes.I found myself zero at energy level. I have searched it on the internet and after a thorough research i found that I am having ADHD(Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) .I am 100% sure about this thing.I am not diagnosed by any specialist but I am sure about this. I am trying hard to control my activities and behavior,but I feel that there is something in my mind which is resisting me to do that.Right now,I am writing this question,but there is something in my mind which is saying to me just leave it come on go do something else. The consequences which I am facing right now are : getting poor grades,feel highly depressed,becoming less socialized,poorer energy level and becoming poorer in physical and mental health also. Its not like that I am not having interest in studies,but whenever I start studying,some distraction comes in my mind and says leave it and when I start doing something else again I get distracted. I am enjoying dreaming the life.Even when I am talking to someone,there is something else going in my mind.This also leading to lack of sleep,because when I try to sleep I start doing imaginations which are very different from the reality.Sometimes when I am alone I start talking to myself in some imaginary picture.I am hating these activities because these are taking me far away from the realities. I tried to do meditation,but I am unable to sit for even five minutes. It s very difficult and painful for me as I am seeing myself destroying my own life and I am not having control over it. This is the first time when I am sharing my problems with someone. I don t know when my question will replied,But I request you please SAVE MY LIFE .I am having lot of expectations from your side. And one more request please make my details confidential. thanxs a lot.