Hello dear
Understand your concern
I think it is
vaginal infection as it is foul smells,
Most commonly it is due to
yeast infections.
Best diagnosis made by pelvic examination and by testing of the discharge for microscopy, culture, PCR, NAAT and ELISA.
Following are the other causes : chlymadia, HPV virus, vulvovaginitis,
cervicitis, dermatitis
Meanwhile take following advice:
1. Drugs:
metronidazole for 7 days
Or take single dose treatment:
1. AZEE 1000 mg
2. TINI 1 G
3. ZOCON 150 mg
2. Avoid sex till you clear from infection
3. Use safer sex practice: Use condom, Dental dams
4. Maintain hygiene after sex
5. If not resolved, do screening test for all above disease.
6. Wash vagina with warm salted water 3-4 times per day
Use liquid based lotion that contain
vitamin E and minerals
wear pure cotton loose garments
Hope this may help you
Wish you good health
Best regards
Dr. Sagar