For the last 8 months I have had a left sided abdominal pain that goes into my back. It came shortly after I had my lymph nodes swell in my cervical and anterior neck area. The doctor I saw found I was anemic after finding blood in my stool, tested positive by a rheumatologist for ANA and a blood clotting factor once negative for everything else rheumy related. About 3 months later(so going on 6 months )all lymph nodes went down and then I found two palipable left supraclavicular lymphs nodes swollen both under a cm in size and two bilateral calcified neck lymph nodes that seemed to enlarge not calcify while already enlarged but under a cm as well. Ive had a PET scan, 2 abdominal CT s, 2 chest Cts, a chest MRI, MR enterography, abdominal MRI, colonoscopy (found h pylori and a rare gastritis lymphocytic at top of my stomach), endoscopy, small pill endoscopy, MRI spine and a fine needle aspiration of my left lymph which all was normal minus sludge in my gallbladder and edema on my second rib. Bloodwork all normal minus my Eos go high than normal, normal CEO, C19-9. Im still in pain on my side and it gets worse with rest and my calcified nodes hurt. Is it possible to have a cancer (advanced as the supra node suggests) and the tests and fine needle miss it? I have so many red flags for cancer but is it this hard to find? I am worried about pancreatic as left sides pain seems to suggest this online along with cervical and supra lymph nodes and it seems difficult to diagnose.