Hi, may I answer your health queries right now ? Please type your query here...My brother has small round bruises up and down his arms, on the top of his hands, and fingers. He has been abusing prescription pain killers for about ten years. He was sent to the emergency this weeked with shortness of breath, color of skin turned white to gray, left sided chest and back pain around his heart all while he was sitting on the couch. Two days later he has the same pain. My brother refused blood work but had a ecg. Heart attacks run heavily in immediate family, one being my father. My brother is 39 years old, single, and no children. He has refused rehab many times and said he does not have a problem. My brother is a smoker,1pk in 2 to 3 days. Three or four days before chest pain he was shoveling and his work is very physical. Is this his body telling him it cannot take the abuse anymore? Could you give me some more ideas about getting him help for drug abuse?
Very concerned sister and family