Thanks for your query, albeit short and specific.
Noted the history and understood your concerns.
Feeling of passing motion after food indicates that you have some inflammatory lesion in or around
small intestine that irritates the intestine as a reflex mechanism so that you get a feeling.
Stool is showing pus cells means there is intestinal infection and hence I would advise you the following in such a situation:
Get a course of an antibiotic,
metronidazole and probiotics for 5 days, repeat stool test.
CT scan of abdomen should be done.
Colonoscopy and biopsy helps further to get a proper diagnosis.
All these tests would help further to get the exact cause to get a proper management.
See if the course of medications stop the feeling of passing after food.
If any problem like
appendicitis or so, you may need surgery.
ESR of 45 indicates chronic infection like
tuberculosis or so and should be ruled out. Serial ESR readings getting decline is an indication of proper management that is prognostic value to ESR.