Grandson in hospital hemoglobin 1.7 which is low for a five year old. They did not find a bleed in the exploratory exam but there was blood in the feces test. He was born very premature, his small intestine was partially developed but his colon was necrotic and 95% was removed at birth. He has difficulty absorbing enough nutrients to keep his his levels up all the time. His growth rate is extremely low since birth, he weighs 30 pounds. Iron pills were tried but he throws them up. We feed him Ensure each day to help fill in food calorie gaps. His mouth and throat are very small and it is very tiring for him to each. I takes about two hours for him to each what a three year old eats in 20 mintues. He also has a heart valve problem from birth which has given him a really loud murmur. At this point, I am wondering if he could get intravenous nutrition maybe once a month and a very small amount of HGH for a short time. I think it would be good if he would be at least five feet tall when he is grown. Mostly, I am worried about his living through his pre-teen/teen years with all the nutrition and hormone demands, a bad heart, low nutrient/iron absorbion. Any thoughts that I could discuss with the Doctors at Columbus, Ohio Nationwide Children Hospital?