I have a 7 year old granddaugther, she is/was a lively little precious child, for the past 3 weeks she has been running a low grade fever off and on and has just stopped eating, she has started thowing up complaining that her stomach hurts around her belly button, when she does throw up she also has a bowel movement, nothing big, just enough where she need to change her panies. Her mother has taken her to her family doctor, no urnie or blood work was done on this child, however the doctor told mom that he thinks she may have the flu in her intestines and gave her a tablet to take in the morning and one at night, in the past 2 weeks she has missed 4 days of school....MY QUESTION is; as the grandmother ( I am on the list at the doctors office to seek treatment for her) would i be out of place to take her back to the doctor as demand that blood work and urnie samples to done? I have a histoy of different cancers in my family, my brother, my uncle and his mother, my grand mother all died before the age of 45 from some form of cancer, it just makes me worry...how sad i thought this was free, i have no money, Thanks alot for your help guys, my God bless you