My 84 year old wife, 5 5 143 lbs, relatively in good health, only occasional blood pressure pill, exercises at Silver Sneakers gym 3-4 days per week, has been fighting a low grade temperature (1.5 - 2.0 deg above normal) for two weeks. With it is up and down feeling of just don t feel well. Also complains of a stiff neck. To offset the temp, she rests alot and takes tylenol when the temp rises, and naps at the at time. At night, when she has taken the tylenol, she ends up awakening is a sweat. Prior to this in mid sept she had a bladder infection -- treated with antibiotics, but not fully whipped it. After three more dosages (over 6 weeks time), we got to a Urologist. She went off the last antibiotics a week before getting in to see him. The urine test at his office showed no sign of infection; further he did a cystoposky (?) and examination of her urethia, finding no problem. He has scheduled a ctscan for further checking of her organs (next week). In the meantime, other than having to urinate frequently, she has no symptoms of the bladder infection. Now it is the recurring low grade temp and the stiff neck that is my concern.