Hi, thanks for posting your concern in the HCM. The anemia may arise even long after
gastric bypass. It may be due to vit B12 deficiency. Or else there may be
iron deficiency, or
chronic blood loss. RBC morphology and some other investigations based on that may be able to diagnose the underlying cause for anemia. But, a low
platelet count is definitely a matter of concern. A decrease in platelet count may arise from splenic enlargement, reduced production due to
bone marrow abnormality, autoimmune diseases, infection, medication, idiopathic etc. It causes increased bleeding tendency. It should also be evaluated to find the underlying cause and if necessary platelet supplement may be given in case of a very severe deficiency. As you are in severe emotional stress, the anxiety may have caused nausea, palpitation etc. In that hyperdynamic state, presence of anemia also, might have caused light headedness and fainting. A
chest discomfort may also arise from the anxiety. But, a thorough investigation should be done to rule out more serious condition, especially a
heart disease. My suggestion is, you try to have some relaxation sessions in these stressful days, and consult your physician at the earliest for further evaluation and treatment. Regards. Dr. Kaushik