Welcome to Healthcare Magic.
I have read your question fully and understand your concerns.
Testosterone which is a male hormone normally peaks around 30 years of age and then gradually declines. Low Testosterone in a young male like you could be due to a few reasons:
1) Obesity: You do mention a slight paunch.
2) Lack of sleep: This results in low Testosterone as Testosterone is normally produced during sleep and if sleep is disturbed the production of the hormone falls.
3) Stress and depression
4) Metabolic syndrome: A syndrome where there is obesity, raised BP, raised
Triglyceride levels, raised
cholesterol and raised blood
5) Diabetes
6) Drugs like Marijuana,
heroin and alcohol use: Marijuana, heroin,
Smoking cigarettes
I am assuming your doctor would have done all the required tests/
hormonal profile tests/scans etc. to rule out other rarer causes of low Testosterone like Klinefelters, Pituitary tumour, Testicular problems etc.
So, if you smoke/do drugs/consume alcohol you could stop them. Exercise and try to burn off your abdominal fat. I think your BP and glucose and cholesterol levels have been checked by your doctor, if not can you kindly get those tests done. Follow a proper sleep pattern. Seek help from your doctor if you are stressed or depressed. Further you could recheck your Testosterone levels at 9 am on two different days and see if they are consistently low.
If still low, you could try
Testosterone replacement therapy for a short while and see.
I hope this answer has helped you
Thank you
Dr Sunita Sayammagaru