I have been experiencing horrible, low abdominal pain. I went to the ER and was sent home with “menstrual cramps”, the only thing is I do not have periods and the pain has not gone away. They did a CT scan with contrast, and since they used the contrast they were unable to detect a kidney stone on the move. The doctor asked why I had thought it was a kidney stone, I explained I have medullary sponge kidney disease and passed my first stone at the age of 2. She laughed and said that disease is a joke. You are having cramps and just need to go home and deal with them like every other woman does. My question is what could be causing so much pain? I was diagnosed in January with endometriosis, could I still be having pain from that? I had the scoping done and the doctor didnt do a novasure she just burned off some areas of the endometriosis she could get to. She said my uterus was too perfect to remove the lining but the endometriosis had spread to both ovaries and hoped that just burning it would help stop the pain. I feel like I am just getting the run around right now.